The Shop


Established in 2006, Just Delights is a small family run business situated in the old market town of Penryn, near Falmouth, Cornwall. We offer a wide range of products from greetings cards to painted furniture including beautiful homeware, gifts for all and an extensive range of stationery. Jemma and the team aim to create a friendly environment for our customers to peruse both in-store and online. With a unique range of continually changing products, we try to stay up-to-date with the latest interior trends giving our customers different ideas to create a beautiful and stylish home.



S H O P   O P E N I N G   T I M E S

M O N D A Y   9.30 - 5
T U E S D A Y    9.30 - 5
W E D N E S D A Y    9.30 - 5
T H U R S D A Y    9.30 - 5
F R I D A Y    9.30 - 5
S A T U R D A Y    9.30 - 5
S U N D A Y    12 - 4


W H E R E   T O   F I N D   U S

TR10 8AQ
T E L .   01326 379075